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 > Home Page > State Associations > NSW > Getting Started > What is Triathlon?

What is Triathlon?


Triathlon is an activity that combines swimming, cycling, and running in one event

Triathlon is not an extreme sport, it's not a sport for elite athletes and it's not an unachievable target. Long Course Triathlon is one tiny part of the sport, and whilst attractive to some individuals, not representative of the entire sport!

Triathlon Australia is for people of all ages and abilities, providing lifelong participation in the sport of triathlon.

Some of the best ways to get involved in the sport can be to:

a) Join a triathlon club. 

Triathlon clubs are a great way to meet other triathletes and coaches, get involved in a regular training programme, or sign up for a skills development course. Clubs will often keep their members updated on local or state races and events, and provide a great social aspect to the sport.

CLICK HERE to find your nearest club

b) Enter a Race, with your club mates

Enter a short distance enticer /novice race. Such events are usually delivered as low-competitive, fun for all events.

c) Consider a team for your first race

Enter as a member of a two or three-person team.  This can be a great way to try out the sport with your friends, and get to know the three disciplines of a triathlon.

Different Distances of Triathlons

There are many variations of a Triathlon or multisport event, the table below gives a good overview of the various types of events and distances:





Enticer / Novice

Swim – less than 750m

Ride – less than 20km

Run – less than 5km


Swim – 750m

Ride – 20km

Run – 5km

Olympic or Classic

Swim – 1500m

Ride – 40km

Run – 10km

Long Course / Half Iron Distance

Swim – between 2500 and 3800m

Ride – between 80km and 120km

Run – between 20km and 30km

Iron Distance

Swim – 3800m

Ride – 180km

Run – 42km


Enticer / Novice

Run – less than 5km

Ride – less than 30km

Run – less than 5km

Sprint Distance

Run – 5km

Ride – 30km

Run – 5km

Standard Distance

Run – 10km

Ride – 40km

Run – 5km

Long Course

Run – 10km

Ride – 60km

Run – 10km


Various Distances

Swim - run


Swim – run - swim








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