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Coaching Resources

R U OK - Coach Toolkit 

R u ok

Coaching Young Athletes

Informing, Inspiring & Empowering Youth Sport Coaches

Play By the Rules

Working with Parents in Sport

Changing the Game Project

 Triathlon and Multisport Magazine Articles
  Life in the Fast Lane - The Clinic Swim Speed 
  Drilling your Race Pace - The Clinic Swimming 
  Pooling Resources - The Clinic Swimming 
  Building a solid race base - The Clinic swim tips 
  Potential to Professional
  The Basics: Write Your Own Program
  101 Tips for Getting Back into the Swim (Bike and Run) of Things
  Creating Self Confidence
  Recovery: Why doing nothing is the secret to training and racing success
  Coach Class: Choosing a new coach
  The Triathlon Parent's Training Manual
  Q&A's from Parents
 Active After-School Communities Triathlon Resources
  Playing for Life - Triathlon Companion Book
  The Playing for Life companion books have been developed to complement the Active After-School Communities (AASC) Playing for Life resource kit. They are primarily designed for members of the local community who will be delivering programmes to participating primary school-aged children.

More specifically, they are designed to help people with minimal experience in the sport to deliver activities in line with the Playing for Life philosophy. This places an emphasis on providing safe, fun, engaging activities that ensure maximum participation from all children, regardless of their level of ability.

The triathlon companion book has been designed for use with students aged 4-12.

  Playing for Life - Ride a course
  Playing for Life - Aquathlon
  Playing for Life - Mini Triathlon
  Playing for Life - Go slow and stop and go




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