Triathlon ACT and NSW are proud to announce a new initiative which has been driven forward by Triathlon NSW’s Coach Education and Pathway Manager, Mr Mick Delamotte.
Triathlon ACT and NSW has invested into Juniors in the sport of Triathlon, via a new exciting partnership with UK based organisation Working With Parents in Sport (WWPIS).
Two main benefits will flow from this partnership.
Firstly, WWPIS have customised two online e-books for Triathlon ACT/NSW Coaches and Parents. The first e-book is designed for parents of athletes within our Triathlon ACT Pathways Program. Entitled ‘Great Sports Parents – an eBook guide helping you support your child’, our hope is that this resource will afford an opportunity to increase parents engagement and provide them a ‘do & don’t’ guide on conduct along with some simple, practical tips about what they can do to help ensure that their child’s sporting experiences are positive and rewarding. We hope that parents enjoy the e-book, and that they learn and benefit from its contents.
The second online book is designed for coaches, outlining how to engage better with parents. Titled ‘Engage! A guide for caches to help build positive relationships with sporting parents’, this forms part of our ‘coach education’ piece, to improve the sport across the state for our most valuable resource, junior members.
These resources will be available to athletes, parents, and coaches in our Pathways Pathway.
The second outcome to flow will be the creation of a website for parents and coaches that allow them to watch the WWPIS workshops electronically. The website will feature regular updates and consultancy to ensure that Triathlon ACT is delivering a high quality product to the triathlon community.
All resources for coaches and parents alike can be accessed in their own time at their own pace and continued updates will provided benefits long term.
The resources will be made available to parents and coaches over the next few weeks.
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