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Triathlon in Australia has a proud history of excellence from community participation to elite performance. Excellence in any sport requires excellence in coaching. Quality coaches have a huge impact on our triathlon communities, they spend time with triathletes, young and old, and have a positive influence on the life and values of those they come into contact with. The role of the coach is fundamental to the success of all triathletes at every level. 

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Start your coaching journey with us to become an accredited coach. Gaining your coaching accreditation is only the start of your journey. Each stage of the National Coaching Framework is unique.
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Access your Reaccreditation Check or the online component of your training program via the Knowledge Hub.

Providing coaches with support and piece of mind to allow them to coach.

Find an accredited Triathlon Australia Coach to help you on your triathlon journey - beginner or experienced!
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Interested in Triathlon Coaching

Become an Accredited a Coach

Coaching is a rich and rewarding experience helping others develop and achieve their personal triathlon challenges.
There are a variety of reasons people get involved in coaching, from parents wanting to help out with their child’s triathlon club, or an experienced athlete looking to give something back to the sport they enjoy.
Triathlon Australia offer a range of accreditations and professional development opportunities to suit any aspiring coach.
Levels of coaching vary and can be very participation focused at the entry level and in clubs. At the other end of the spectrum highly qualified coaches work with high performing athletes.

What does a Triathlon Australia Coach Accreditation mean:

• The coach has attended a world leading coach training program in which they learned from experienced coaching mentors and  experts to develop their coaching skills and knowledge. 
• The coach has committed to work within their professional scope of practice and to upholding a range of world leading quality coaching standards endorsed by Triathlon Australia and Sport Australia including:

- Triathlon Australia Integrity Framework including Australian standards in ethics and integrity, antidoping and member protection
- Working With Children Check/Vulnerable People compliance
- First Aid & CPR certified (Development Coaches and above);

By committing to these standards, you can be confident our accredited coaches have the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the highest quality coaching environment. 
• Covered by Triathlon Australia Coaches Insurance for their work in regards to triathlon coaching
• Are kept up to date with the State and National bodies on everything Triathlon;
• Participated in world leading training programs to provide the best training experience to their athletes.

Triathlon Australia Coach accreditation requirements are developed to continually further coaches knowledge base and help coaches evolve over time. Triathlon Australia Accredited Coaches are always striving to be the forefront of triathlon coaching skills and knowledge. Triathlon Australia currently offers five different coaching accreditation as described in the National Coaching Framework.


If you don’t have any experience of coaching, a good starting point would be to shadow a coach at your local triathlon club, they will appreciate the help and you will get a feeling of what coaching actually is. Try and support a variety of people, working with young people can bring a set of different challenges, but also be one of the most rewarding groups to work with.

When you are ready, have a look at the National Coaching Framework which outline the accreditations and provides more information on our coach training programs to find out the best path for getting started on your triathlon coaching journey.

Each stage of the National Coaching Framework offers a set of skills, and experiences to help coaches develop their athletes.

The National Coaching Framework is continually evolving to better match the needs of the sport and the coaching requirements of our many thousands of athletes.

Course Target Group More Information
TRYstars Coach Coaches working specifically with the TRYstars children's participation program Contact your STTA
TriActive Coach Coaches working specifically with the TriActive adult's participation program Email interest
Foundation Coach Coaches working with a group of novice triathletes under the supervision of a higher accredited triathlon coach See more
Development Coach Coaches working with a group of recreation focused triathletes/paratriathletes who are preparing to participate in triathlon races. Pre-requisite: Accredited Foundation Coach See more
Performance Coach Coaches working with performance focused triathletes/paratriathletes who are preparing to compete in triathlon races. Pre-requisite: Accredited Development Coach Contact TA
High Performance Coach Coaches working with triathletes/paratriathletes who are specifically targeting success in elite level international competitions. Pre-requisite: Accredited Performance Coach Targeted Coaches

Click here to see more information on the National Coaching Framework

To find out more information or to register your interest in one of the training programs, contact us via and we will answer your query or pass this onto the relevant STTA representative.


By taking part in a Triathlon Australia Coach Training Program you will:

  • Gain the skills, knowledge and expertise to coach triathletes in the fundamentals of swimming, cycling, running and transition;
  • Develop knowledge of the basics of the science of triathlon, e.g. planning and programming, nutrition, sports physiology and growth and development;
  • Learn about the “art of coaching” – the fundamentals of communication and relationship building which are critical to quality coaching.

  • As a Triathlon Australia accredited triathlon coach, you will:

  • Receive Accreditation Certificate
  • Receive a Digital Badges (Terms of Use and digital badge)- Triathlon Australia provide Accredited Coaches with electronic badges to represent the coaches accreditation level for the season.
  • Listed on Find A Coach - Triathlon Australia provide a coach search function which will allow for athletes and coaches to locate coaches within their area.
  • Access Triathlon Australia Member Benefits - Annual members of our association are rewarded with a membership package to enhance their triathlon experience. The range of services, discounts and benefits can be seen in the link here including clothing, recovery and travel discounts: Click here.
  • Access to Clearinghouse for Sport - As a Triathlon Australia accredited coach you are eligible to sign up to Clearinghouse for Sport – Australia’s Online Sport Library FOR FREE.
  • TrainingPeaks - Use TrainingPeaks to provide expert guidance, data-driven training, and immediate feedback - all through one integrated solution. As a Triathlon Australia Accredited Coach, you receive a discount off your subscriptions.
  • Access to State and National Coach Professional Development initiatives.

    Triathlon Australia is committed to the vision of coaching excellence at all levels of our sport. A key element of this vision is maintaining a consistent level of integrity and quality for all Triathlon Australia coaches.

    Annual Coach - Reaccreditation plays an important role in maintaining quality and compliance standards, building a coach’s knowledge base and provides an opportunity to establish world best standards of coaching practice.

    Coach Re-accreditation requirements will evolve over time in order to meet the evolution of world best coaching practice.

    What does this mean for me as an Accredited Coaches?
    Accredited Coaches are required to provide evidence of coaching specific certifications to support their ongoing accreditation annually*. Coaches who do not maintain their accreditation annually, including up to date quality standards compliance evidence, may not be eligible to renew their accreditation.
    * This is a requirement of Sport Australia and Triathlon Australia.


    Triathlon Australia has worked very hard to build a strong, robust and quality assured National Coaching Framework in order to support the triathlon community in Australia.

    Part of the evolution of the National Coaching Framework has been a commitment to quality coaching at all levels of the sport. In order to maintain and further grow the quality of Triathlon Australia accredited coaches and triathlon coaching practice in Australia no exemptions are granted for any Triathlon Australia Coach Development Programs. All coaches must complete our Coach Development Program requirements to gain Triathlon Australia coach accreditation.

    We acknowledge many candidate coaches may have some relevant triathlon knowledge and potentially some triathlon coaching competence. This knowledge and competence can be verified through the completion of our Triathlon Australia Coach Development Programs, as the knowledge obtained on the program and the face to face contact with our Coach Development experts and other coach candidates is invaluable for personal coach development and connection with the Triathlon Australia coaching community.

    You can further information on the National Coaching Framework and our Coach Development Programs here:

    Internationally Accredited Triathlon Coaches
    If you a current Triathlon Coaching Accreditation with a National Triathlon Federation recognised under the ITU Accredited Coach Education Programme [ACEP].
    Please contact for further information.

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