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Club Development

Supporting our affiliated clubs and helping them improve their organisational capability is a key element of Triathlon Australia’s current strategic plan. With this in mind, Triathlon Australia recently expanded its club development offering by engaging Sports Community to provide affiliated clubs with a range of resources designed to make life easier for volunteers.

These resources will be available via an online resource hub known as Club Spot and last week you may have received a welcome email inviting you to access it.  Once signed in you’ll find that Club Spot contains hundreds of pages of step-by-step procedures, training videos, templates and checklists, all created to make your club role easier. 

Club Spot can help you:
1. Be a successful president, secretary, treasurer or general committee member
2. Raise funds more easily through sponsorship, grants, social events or new fundraising ideas
3. Co-ordinate your club’s social media, website, communication or marketing strategy
4. Run committee meetings or an Annual General Meeting 

Representatives of affiliated clubs can access the restricted pages of the Sports Community website as well as Triathlon Australia's own page – more and more resources that are specific to the clubs and volunteers of Triathlon Australia will be added here over time.  Best of all, Club Spot is being made available free of charge to affiliated clubs. 

To register yourself or other committee members for access to Club Spot click here:

Remember, Club Spot complements the other key pillar of Triathlon Australia’s club development offering, Top Club.  Top Club is a powerful on-line tool which provides a framework for long term planning and the means to engage with your members to get their buy in.

If you have any questions regarding either Club Spot or Top Club and how they can benefit your club, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Club Development