Becoming an Official
Sport could not operate without the skills, training and dedication of Officials. Triathlon is no different and given the combination of disciplines involved, it certainly requires its Technical Program and the individuals known as "Technical Officials" (TO’s) playing a significant role.
The National Accreditation Process details the achievements required to progress from the grass roots to the highest level of attainment as a TO in Australia, which can be summarised as:
Level 1 -Introductory level controlled by the STTA designed to educate the participant on the Race Competition Rules. TriSA runs a Level 1 course prior to the commencement of each summer season and when needed.
Level 2 - Next step to becoming a State/Territory based Race Referee or Technical Delegate. Demonstrated ability in building a professional relationship with State/Territory Race Directors, trust with the STTA as the person ideally 'sanctioning events' and suitable to the senior ranks as a leader. TriSA conducts Level 2 courses on demand (annually).
Level 3 -Successful State/Territory Technical Official ready to step into the National arena, working outside their State/Territory at high profile events. Identified as a future senior member of the Technical Program;
National Technical Official - Highest national level of achievement. Ability to lead a Technical Team at major National events, liaise with all stakeholders and influence decisions appropriately.
International Technical Official - The next step from National Technical Official(NTO) as an Australian TO to the international stage, is known as becoming an ITO.
Technical Development Program
The aim of the Technical Development Program is to provide opportunities for Technical Officials to gain and provide the best officiating standards for an event ensuring that all aspects of the triathlon are of a high quality, with particular emphasis on the safety and fairness for each competitor.
The aim of the Technical Development Program is to provide opportunities for Technical Officials to gain and provide the best officiating standards for an event ensuring that all aspects of the triathlon are of a high quality, with particular emphasis on the safety and fairness for each competitor.
The Technical Development Pathway is supported by Triathlon Australia highlighting and the Australian Sports Commission’s Accreditation Officiating Scheme. It is encourages Officials to attend a number races and undertake various education programs. Those Officials that are interested are encouraged to further develop their skills and obtain higher accreditation and experience.
For further information on accreditation refer to the TA Website or contact your State Technical Committee representative. The TA web link to the RCR’s and Policy Document is as follows:
Click here for the Race Competition Rules
The following manuals may be resourced from the ASC website. They are used as the base for the various courses offered to Technical Officials:
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