TriActive is a participation program which focuses on encouraging and supporting adults to begin or return to regular exercise through swim, bike, run and triathlon. TriActive is targeted at people who have fallen out of the habit of exercise, would like to be a bit more active or are interested in triathlon but don't really know how to started.
Swimming Sessions- 45 minutes’ swim skills and conditioning conducted in the swimming pool at Next Generation Health Clubs.
Bike Sessions - 45 minutes cycling skills and conditioning in Next Generation Health Club state of the art spin studio (indoors) utilising the Stages Indoor bikes.
All programs are delivered by Triathlon Australia accredited coaches who are experts in catering for every individual.
COST= $180.00 (Cost Inc: 8 Coaching sessions, Next Generation Entry and Race Entry)
Registration NOW OPEN
To register contact Jason Delfos on (08) 8363 9133 or
Over the program sessions participants will learn the skills and gain important knowledge for beginners in the following areas:
Swimming Skills
Cycling skills
Run skills
Stretching techniques
Basic nutrition
Basic bike maintenance
Basic bike setup
Triathlon terms and equipment
Minimum equipment:
Swim - Goggles, bathers, towel, swim cap
Bike – not required for training sessions
Run – runners and comfortable clothing
I’m not fit…. is there any way I can do a triathlon?
Even though it may seem a bit extreme, triathlon is a sport that anyone can do. The objective of this program is to encourage you to have a go at regular exercise with the end goal of completing a mini duathlon of a 2km run, 10 km ride and a 1km run. You can do that!
What equipment will I need?
You do not need very much specific gear to take part in this program. To take part, all you will need is the following:
Something comfortable to swim in
Comfortable clothing to ride a bike and go for a run and walk in – this does not mean lycra unless that’s what you like to wear
Comfortable shoes for riding, running and walking – no one wants blisters
Sun protection (hat, sunscreen) – no one wants sunburn
A smile!
Please note: You do not need a bike to take part in the program as our bike sessions are conducted on spin bikes. However, to take part in 'race day'eventswhich will mark the completion of the program, you will need a helmet and any form of bike. This can be a road bike, a mountain bike, a hybrid bike, a bike with a basket on the front… basically anything that can get you through the bike course.
What sort of clothes do I need to wear?
Anything that is comfortable for you. Most people think you need to wear lycra based clothing to be a part of a triathlon. This isn’t true. Basically, you wear whatever is comfortable.
Can I do a second program if I enjoy the first one?
Of course you can! We encourage people who take part in the program and would like to build on their skills and confidence to enroll in a later program. You will be our superstars of the program!
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