Kingscliff set to sparkle

Kingscliff set to sparkle

Kingscliff finisher


Kingscliff is set to sparkle again in late March as the Kingscliff Triathlon rolls back into town. 
Tucked just inside New South Wales, 20 minutes south of the Gold Coast, Kingscliff has so much to offer:  a sheltered river swim, a picturesque ride course along both the foreshore and the Tweed River, and a run which winds it way back along the Cudgen Creek boardwalk.
Aside from the Standard Distance event, which is the Queensland Standard Distance Championship race, Race organiser Mike Crowley offers races for all athletes of all abilities, from mini-kids, teams, first timers to professional athletes.
There is a big focus on fun at the Kingscliff Triathlon - and the volunteers and crown support for athletes along the course are outstanding, and make Kingscliff the perfect venue for a first timer to have a go.  Race together with friends and enter in the "all in" team division, where three athletes complete the whole triathlon and their combined finish times determine the winner (available in the tempta, sprint and olympic distance events).
The event also attracts the professionals, and previous winners include Sam Betten, Dan Coleman, Adam Gordon, Courtney Gilfillan and Gillian Backhouse.
Kingscliff Triathlon will be the second last race of Triathlon Queensland's Nissan State Series.  With an athlete's best five results over the 13 race series counting, results in these final couple of races can make the difference between being an Age-Group Series Champion or not.
With a capped field size, the Kingscliff race is expected to sell out yet again this March - don't leave it until too late to enter!
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