Mia Wooldridge - TQ Member Spotlight

Mia Wooldridge - TQ Member Spotlight

The friendships I have made over the years I will have forever. This quote from Mia Wooldridge, a member of our QLD State Team, truly showcases the community of our Youth and Junior athletes. 

Mia started in the sport seven years ago when she was nine years old. The running discipline attracted her initially, and remains her preferred leg today. Being based on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, Mia is part of the Caloundra Tri Club but also has the opportunity to train with Triple F Triathlon, Race Pace Coaching and participate in Team T-Rex Triathlon Club camps. Training with a group is fun but also challenging, which is exactly why Mia loves the environment. 

Mia’s most memorable race was the 2021 Queensland Super Sprint Race Weekend.  Being one of the youngest in the category was a great learning experience – especially after securing a spot in the A Final and racing against the best in the state. With the course layout, the races highlight participant’s strengths and weaknesses which makes for a hard day of racing. These challenges create bonding experiences that brings the team together.

For the 22/23 season, Mia has once again been accepted onto the state team. This creates opportunities for a variety of races and masterclasses held across the state, as well as online webinars for topics such as nutrition. Ensuring athletes understand these critical performance factors should lead to forming good habits from a young age. This includes understanding the body’s needs when recovering. Being an athlete who works and trains means that Mia has learnt how to balance fuel intake throughout the day to result in feeling stronger when training. The QLD State Team not only provides opportunities to improve triathlon skills, but also an encouraging and supportive environment to grow as an individual.

Mia’s advice to first timer triathletes is to train and race at a level suitable for their current skillset. But also, continue to push until the race is over as the ‘finish line feeling’ is that little bit sweeter.


TQ Member Spotlight Mia Woodridge

Image: Kye Wylde for Triathlon Queensland 


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