Train and Eat like a girl... because you are one!

Train and Eat like a girl... because you are one!


'Train and eat like a girl because you are one...' b.x
B. Best tips for Women, Mama and Pregnancy training.
The keys to exceptional health, fitness for women is training like a girl should, eating like a girl should and maintaining body wellness like a girl should. We have a very different make-up to men, which is quite obvious however we tend to forget this important fact.  Our bodies as women respond differently to training and racing and are more responsive to a speed training method maintaining optimal health. Women are born endurance athletes able to withstand with a higher pain threshold (this sometimes to our detriment) but also a powerful ability. Our bodies respond rapidly to quality training techniques, as long as we remain well by keeping our health as optimal importance while training or racing.
The major difference for pregnancy training is ensuring the health of the growing baby and us. Gone are the days of sitting around nesting (not that I believe this ever happened), but remaining active is a priority. Active bodies encourage good health for Mum and bub. However, an awareness of the changing body and increased weight upon the pelvis and lower back is priority in triathlon.  In regards to triathlon training – the swim is highly beneficial in all regards; the bike needs to be altered to ensure safety for the spine, hips and obvious safety measures on the road.  The run will need to be monitored as the body changes however the first and second trimester, the body can handle all types of running. Ensure high quality training, rather than quantity at this time, as energy levels are lower and the body is under greater stress.  Its important for you to make responsible choices for yourself. Ensure your core is stable, your safety is paramount and if it hurts too much stop.
TOP 5 tri-training tip for women or that soon to be Mama.
1. Quality over Quantity
- Train specific muscle groups (legs, butt, abs and arms) for the swim / bike / run. Women should train specific quality sessions.
- Multiple (3-4) swim sessions
- Bike x 2 road sessions with hills and speed circuits and the rest can be quality on a stationary bike or wind trainer.
- Run x 4 sessions weekly - 3 on the road and 1 track or speed circuit
2. Train speed circuits
Weight training will enhance your running abilities
- Add a 4-5kg hand weights speed circuit to help your running. Weight sets improve your overall muscle strength and mobility.
b.truth - I had a knee injury and a hip imbalance and lower back issues due to overtraining and birth complications. Weight training strengthened my legs and realigned my hips this has improved my running ability and overall health and posture. It has given me more stability in my hips and abdominal area which has helped to faster and stronger. I began to love combining weights, running, yoga and mind wellness fitness to regain my body health & never look back.
3. Train with alignment in mind
This is especially for hip and lower back wellness. as the lower back and core during pregnancy or post are affected due to core strength changes and weight gain. This is particularly obvious on the bike and run legs. Try and add some yoga sessions to counteract the lower back, core, hip and leg pressure.
4. Find Routines that work
Cardio in the mornings - run /swim/ bike
Strength or stretch at night
5. Focus on you
The only race is with your body and health capabilities: avoid the competitive crazy mind and focus on you and time. Create a routine to share your training schedule and share it with the family. Try to bring the family into as many sessions as possible.
6. Eat small meals often
Creating high energy throughout the day as a busy mum athlete is imperative. This will improve energy levels during your busy day and avoid the mind slump post-training. Eat high protein with plant-based nutrition and good fats like avocado and eggs, as it give us luscious ladies skin and improves ligament and muscle regeneration.
Stay well
Train hard
And remember, look after yourself
Health and Happiness,
Image: @ironmums


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