Triathlon Queensland launches new participation initiative called The Starting Line

Triathlon Queensland launches new participation initiative called The Starting Line

The Starting Line











Triathlon Queensland is excited to launch a new initiative to assist in guiding the journey of participants into triathlon.

The Starting Line incorporates an online platform which will connect triathletes, provide free startup training programs with training tips, and make it easier for participants to find local events, clubs and coaches.

The Starting Line will improve the accessiblity of our sport and encourage opportunities to engage with participants throughout their journey.

"Thousands take part in triathlons throughout Queensland each year," said Triathlon Queensland Executive Director, Tim Harradine.

"The Starting Line connects many of these people and creates awareness for our fantastic clubs and the other event options that exist," said Harradine.

"Our clubs are very excited about the initiative and have jumped on board to provide an open door for those looking to give triathlon a go," said Harradine.

We are also very excited to introduce Belinda Norton and Toby Coote as our official Starting Line Ambassadors.

Belinda inspires thousands of women every day with her motivational books, mentoring and fitness advice. The doting mother was once an elite triathlete, so knows all about balancing training with work and family.

Toby was also an elite athlete, now coach at Sunshine Coast Tri Academy and has a wealth of knowledge which he will share on The Starting Line website and Facebook group.

When participants sign up for the training programs, they will also receive regular video tips from our ambassadors straight to their inbox.

The Starting Line was launched last weekend, with 50 people participating in an outdoor spin class on top of Kangaroo Point cliffs - the perfect fitness activity to get people started on their tri journey.


The Starting Line will feature:

  • Free training programs (6-wks for adults and 4-wks for juniors) sent straight to your email
  • Free video training tips
  • Guide to clubs and coaches in your region
  • Free Facebook group to connect with other triathletes and coaches
  • Free training advice from our ambassadors
  • Community training activities and workshops (coming soon)

Check out the website here. ​


TQ Partners as at October 2020


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