To TV affiliated clubs,
I have been privileged to spend nearly 10 years on the board of Triathlon Victoria and the last 12 months as President.
Over the journey I have seen TV grow from a largely volunteer run association to a professional and increasingly well resourced organisation that is reaching out to members and continually working for and with clubs to grow triathlon’s participation and profile.
In recent years we have secured government grants of nearly $200,000 per annum across initiatives such as adult participation, water safety and school participation as well as significant governance reform.
I made it clear in my first day election speech that I was going to be focused on Clubs/Squads and Pathways and wanted to improve our offering in this respect. Clubs/Squads sell memberships and memberships are what we want. We need to do a lot more for you and with the Top Club initiative I think there is much to be optimistic about there.
We have a new pathways leader - Kyle Burns - who is doing an excellent job as well. A deep debt is owed to Dave Huggett and Neil Brewster for their many years of work.
I will not be re-nominating for President, and this coincides with both the Vice-President (Ailie Coulter) and Treasurer (Julia Hebb) indicating that they too will be resigning at the AGM after many years of service as well. I thank them for their great contributions! I am confident that with TV in great shape, and ready for future challenges, it is time for me to bow out and clear a path for the next generation of leaders for triathlon. I have had a great time, made some good friends and enjoyed every minute of it.
Thanks to the excellent staff ably led by TV Executive Director Grant Cosgriff, past staff plus all the board members I have worked with over the years, in particular Sally Ham, Tony Burke, Don Larkin, Steve Gatt and evergreen Brian Hinton.
I would encourage you to consider nominating for the TV Board and any of the vacant Executive roles; and where appropriate promote the opportunity to others within your club. Anyone interested is best to contact the Triathlon Victoria office (T: 9598 8686) and ask for myself, Grant Cosgriff or Paul Stevens (Chair of the TV Governance and Finance committee). Find the links below to:
- Notice of AGM (updated) - 2017 NOTICE of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of TRIATHLON VICTORIA (updated)
- TV Board nomination form - Triathlon Victoria Officer Bearer Nomination Form
- Preliminary AGM (and Club Workshop) Agenda - Triathlon Victoria 2017 AGM agenda draft
- Club Delegate form - 2017 Triathlon Victoria AGM Club Delegate Form
- Club Proxy form - 2017 Triathlon Victoria AGM Club Proxy Form
- Minutes of the 2016 AGM - 2016 Triathlon Victoria AGM Minutes
John Barker
Triathlon Victoria
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