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2017-2018 Triathlon Australia Membership Renewals Information

2017-2018 Triathlon Australia Membership Renewals Information

It’s that time of the year again when membership renewals are upon us. We hope that you had a great 2016-2017 season and enjoying some off-season. 2017-2018 will be another big year for triathlon with so many major events in Australia.

Key Dates

17 June 2017
All existing annual members who have the automatic renewal tab switched OFF and want to renew their annual membership for the upcoming season can do so from this date. Any person who wishes to change triathlon clubs or change personal details (credit card, address) can also do so from this date.

1 July 2017
Automatic renewals: All those annual members who have the automatic renewals tab switched ON. This is the date that your credit card will automatically be debited. Please ensure that you have correctly updated your credit card through the following process. 

How to update your credit card and personal details

Please refer to the following links for more information

If you are having any trouble with your renewal, please contact us at, or call 02 8488 6200.

Why Join?

  • Insurance 365 days covered while racing and training. Competitive price for international upgrades.
    $100 SCODY voucher.
  • ACCESS to your tri club - great training, coaching, pathways and community support.
  • Lower Entry Cost: One Day Membership (ODM) per event is compulsory if not a TA Member - join & save.
  • Partner benefits:  Discounts off TrainingPeaks, Head Sweats, Magazines.
  • World Championships: Elibile to qualify for the 2018 Sprint/Standard Australian team (2018 - Gold Coast).
  • National/State: Eligible to compete for these titles.


Pretty good – right? What you don’t know . . .

Membership is much more than this. It’s about investing in our sport. TA is a non-for profit organization – we are not here to make money from our members! We are here to administer the sport and provide services to ensure you have access to quality races, events and training at clubs around the country. When you join as a member you make a personal contribution to triathlon and its development. 

And for this we are deeply appreciative. 

Sign up and sign onto the triathlon community and your club today -

2017-2018 Member Card