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COVID-19 Vaccine Position Statement

COVID-19 Vaccine Position Statement

Triathlon Australia (TA) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone involved in the sport in Australia.

To that end, TA supports and encourages vaccinations against COVID-19 within the triathlon community including athletes, coaches, volunteers, technical officials, administrators, race presenters and supporters to enable a safe and rapid return to community sport and events across Australia. 

This position acknowledges the science supporting vaccination and the medical advice on minimising risk to our communities. It is clear that getting vaccinated substantially reduces the risk of severe disease, hospitalisation and death from COVID-19 and lowers the risks of becoming infected.

TA, along with all State and Territory Associations (STTAs), will continue to work with Governments and relevant health authorities to ensure compliance with the varying community health guidelines in each state and territory, acknowledging this is a dynamic and changing landscape. 

TA recognises the Federal Government position that vaccination is not a mandatory requirement and does not currently set specific vaccination criteria for the sanctioning of events.

TA acknowledges that race directors, whether they are clubs, private enterprises or own STTAs will need to make decisions that are appropriate to their own circumstances. 

TA also understands and respects personal choice, medical and religious exemptions.  These considerations will need to be managed appropriately and TA will work with all parties to assist where possible.

However, the safety and well-being of all participants at events must remain the priority and TA’s position is that there is one way to get back to doing what everyone loves - and that is to get vaccinated.

Find information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how to protect yourself and your family, where and when you can get vaccinated, and the current situation in Australia on the Australian Government Department of Health: Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic | Australian Government Department of Health