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Crowie’s Great Hawaiian Hunt, Kona 2012

Crowie’s Great Hawaiian Hunt, Kona 2012

Crowie’s Great Hawaiian Hunt, Kona 2012 for family, friends and supporters of all participants in the Hawaiian Ironman World Championships

Saturday 13th October 2012. 

Kona, HI – Product partners of Team Alexander are hiding gift certificates and triathlon equipment valued at over $12,000 within a mile of Kailua Bay, Kona to engage spectators during the 17hr long World Ironman Championships. There will also be prizes on offer for those people watching the race online and active on social media.

In a custom-designed, Kona specific free treasure hunt, participants will navigate their way through a course of clues, codes, riddles, trivia, and adventure. Participants are encouraged to “Like” the “Crowie’s Great Hawaiian Hunt” link on Craig “Crowie” Alexander Facebook Page as clues will be posted exclusively on the wall throughout the Hunt. The competition will also utilise twitter @crowiealexander and a dig around to get the good oil is recommended.

Craig “Crowie” Alexander is the defending 3x Hawaiian Ironman World Champion and current record holder. Crowie’s long term consistency at the Kona race and longest winning reign in the history of the sport over the 70.3 Ironman distance has invoked a large audience of followers worldwide and a dominant group of on course supporters screaming “Run Crowie Run”.

The “Crowie’s Great Hawaiian Hunt” will kick off at 6:30am Hawaii Standard Time on Saturday, October 13, 2012 with the first clues being posted. It is not necessary to begin the hunt at 6:30am, however participants who do will have a head start and a chance at numerous free products and prize certificates!

You must register prior on the Crowie Facebook page to claim prizes. You don’t have to be in Kona to share in the minore prizes. Some facebook “like” and “share” prizes will be awarded for those who register early as well as some bonus hints and clues to further aid virtual or physical race day hunting. (For a full list of terms & conditions, see .) 

One person who simply posts a picture of themselves on fbook or twitter #crowie at each of the 5 physical locations required will be rewarded with the major prize consisting of one of each of the minor prizes to the value of over $3,000.

For more information and to register, go to 

or visit