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Exciting times ahead for Australia’s elite Paratriathletes

Exciting times ahead for Australia’s elite Paratriathletes

Triathlon Australia has been a world leader when it comes to Paratriathlon and 2018 will once again see the sport continuing to lead the way on the international circuit.
Our Elite Paratriathletes will debut on the Commonwealth Games stage on the Gold Coast on April 7 and then at the ITU World Championships also on the Gold Coast in September.
Early February will see the Games team finalised with two men and one-two women to be added to a team which has already seen our World Champions Bill Chaffey and Emily Tapp win automatic nomination.
The Paratriathlon season kicks off on January 14 with the Oceania Championships in St Kilda – no better place for our elites to show off their extraordinary talents.
It will see the who’s who of Australia’s Paratriathletes converge on one of Australia’s iconic beaches – a perfect venue for the “crème de la crème” to strut their stuff.
Devonport, another popular stop on the Australian triathlon event schedule over many years, will next year play host to the Devonport Paratriathlon World Cup – another first for Triathlon Australia, before the National Paratriathlon Championships on February 25 on the Gold Coast.
And remember to take this leaf out of four-time Paralympian and legendary US wheelchair racer Josh George’s book.
“We all have a different disability, but we're not really overcoming that disability. The overcoming part has come and gone. The struggle has come and gone. We are all out there now to maximse our abilities as an athlete and compete for a gold medal in the same sense the Olympians are," – JOSH GEORGE (Four-time Paralympian).