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Future Operating Model July Update

Future Operating Model July Update

Triathlon is in an enviable position – we have a passionate, engaged community of regular participants. We have committed clubs, squads, coaches, technical officials and race directors across the States and Territories who deliver services for our members, but we understand we could do more to help with resources and services that are relevant and consistent.

For more than a decade, the sport of triathlon has been continually evolving our operational model to take advantage of the changing landscape enabling us to provide services to our members. Through this, we have successfully transitioned to aligned membership categories and pricing, club affiliation fees, centralised sanctioning for races, underpinning the financial viability of each entity to have a stronger sport for all. We know we are better together.
We can never stop looking for ways to work smarter, more effectively and deliver more where it counts - for our members. So for the past 18 months we have conducted a review process looking at our strategic, financial and workforce alignments. You will have seen in our Whole of Sport Strategic Plan that one of our three priorities was “Working in Harmony” and encompasses all the ways we will work together through aligned structures, systems and behaviours. We are still a young sport so we have the opportunity to continue to design our future without the constraints of our initial formation restricting us.

This process has involved all levels of our sport, from the 67 directors across all boards, to the combined 33 staff in every State and Territory, as we interrogated and reimagined a host of models with the help of subject matter experts along the way.

With this proposed model, we will align National and State resources to build stronger networks and increase the services provided to members and assist in getting more people on more start lines. Boards will play an important role in supporting the transition and monitoring the service standards. Australia has a competitive sporting marketplace. We can’t be complacent and need to address our participation numbers if we want to continue to remain relevant in our communities, now and in the future. This is an opportunity for us to work smarter, use our resources better and ensure our services are co-ordinated nationally, but most importantly, delivered locally. This has been a fundamental principle held throughout the process: local staff delivering local support and services without the competing administrative demands on their time they currently experience.

The model has evolved over time and will continue to evolve in order to respond to our members needs but fundamentally we are focused on delivering improved services for members, clubs, and the broader triathlon community by:

  • delivering a consistent standard of member experience
  • streamlining operations to create efficiencies 
  • filling gaps in capability that will hinder our ability to achieve our strategic priorities (e.g. digital, IT, commercial) 
  • aligning our resources to maximise effectiveness and solve our most pressing challenges
  • eliminating (or at worst reducing) the replication of unnecessary tasks and functions that occurs with nine individual entities
  • addressing internal ‘opt in' v 'opt out' behaviours
  • making triathlon an employer of choice through career paths and support that value our people and retains them to deliver a thriving triathlon community. 

Today, we are proud to announce that our Queensland, Victorian, Tasmanian, South Australian and Northern Territory associations have provided letters of intent to proceed towards a One Management Model with Triathlon Australia. We applaud the courage and foresight that this required to take the next step towards an aligned model.

We remain actively engaged with our New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Western Australian associations who have requested more time and consideration of the matter before deciding.

We will be sharing the many steps along the journey with you and encourage you to actively engage with your local teams and boards for any questions as they arise.

This is an exciting time for our sport as we take the next steps in our evolution to meet the expectations of you, our members.