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GC2018 Sport Pictograms

GC2018 Sport Pictograms

GOLDOC Chairman Peter Beattie AC will officially launch the GC2018 Sport Pictograms on Tuesday morning and we’d like to invite you to participate.

With a cumulative broadcast audience of 1.5 billion and more than 1,000 hours of live sport, the pictograms will provide an eye-catching identifier for each of the 23 sporting disciplines across television, digital media and our official publications. The graphics will be also be used to assist the community navigate around venues and the wider precincts at Games time.

GC2018 has 23 sport pictograms compared to 17 at Glasgow 2014 by virtue of Beach Volleyball appearing for the first time in a Commonwealth Games and Road, Track and Mountain Bike having their own images. Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Swimming and Diving and Powerlifting and Weightlifting also have their own representations.

GOLDOC encourage you to share, retweet and repost our content via @GC2018 social (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) channels.

To maximise the reach of this exciting announcement, GOLDOC has developed a video news release which we extend to you the opportunity to post direct to your digital channels at 7.55am (AEST – QLD time, 8.55am NSW/VIC) Tuesday, 11 October using the following copy & tags so we can track the reach >>

Download the vision and upload
to your channels>> 
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