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The ‘First Couple’ of cross triathlon Ben Allen (AUS) and Jacqui Slack (GBR) will serve as official TreX race ambassadors for 2015/16.

Fresh off his fourth Xterra World Tour win of the season, Australian pro triathlete Ben Allen, along with his longtime partner and fellow pro Jacqui Slack (GBR), have been named by In2Adventure as the official TreX race ambassadors for the 2015-16 season. 

Allen, who won the Xterra Xterra Germany last weekend after capturing Xterra Czech World Cup two weeks ago, as well as sister races in Guam and Saipan earlier this year, recorded his 17th career Xterra win, while Slack, who finished second in Germany to Helena Erbenova (CZE) continues to build on her eight Xterra career wins.


"Jacqui and I are very honoured to be the ambassadors for the 2015/16 racing season,” said Allen. “In2Adventure share the same philosophy as Jacqui and I to ‘embrace all things off road’ and with this in mind they create all types of events focusing on the individual experience of each participant – young or old.”

Although Allen, 30, and Slack, 32, race all over the world, Allen believes In2Adventure is one of the industry’s top event organisers.

“In2Adventure is the No.1 off-road events company in Australia and their attention to detail to ensure everyone has the same opportunity to achieve their goals, goes beyond what any other event company is doing,” he said.
“As athletes we are amazed by the kind hospitality they show everyone at all events as they leave no stone unturned and it’s a credit to their hard work and dedication.”

The Wollongong-based power couple will compete over the next three months at both the 2015 ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships in Sardinia, Italy and the Xterra World Championships in Hawaii, before returning home to begin qualifications at one of three state-held qualifiers for the 2016 ITU Cross Triathlon Worlds to be held at Lake Crackenback, NSW, and hosted by In2Adventure.

“We are so proud and recognise what a privilege it is have such amazing athletes as Ben and Jacqui working with us to really develop the sport of cross triathlon within Australia and beyond,” said In2Adventure race director Simon Lazenby, who recently unveiled the all new ‘Pathway Partner’ program designed to provide training assistance for Australian athletes interested in vying for one of 25 slots per age group for the Cross Triathlon World Championships next year.

“Ben and Jacqui are at the pinnacle of the sport internationally and are consistently achieving solid podium results, but this isn’t why the relationship is so special to us.  It’s because Ben and Jacqui embrace and represent all the things that we truly value at In2Adventure.”

According to In2Adventure event director Robyn Lazenby, the pair possesses three main qualities that make them the ideal choice to represent TreX into the new season en route to the 2016 worlds.

“Firstly, they genuinely love the sport of cross triathlon and whenever we talk with them it just reminds us why we have worked so hard for so many years to really establish the sport within Australia,” she said. “It’s because it’s fun and challenging and exciting and Ben and Jacqui truly embrace this.

“Secondly, it’s the athletes they are ‘on’ and ‘off’ the course,” Robyn Lazenby continued. “They race hard but they do it with respect for the sport and everyone else around them and truly value the experience of racing, not just the winning.

“Thirdly, they ‘share the love’, they give back to the sport and are truly passionate and giving of their time to assist other athletes, especially our up and coming champions of tomorrow.

“As we lead into the ITU world championships in Australia in 2016 we couldn’t ask for two better athletes to represent In2Adventure, the TreX Series and Australia to the rest of the world,” she concluded.

Next year’s event marks the first time in the race’s five-year history that the world championships have been hosted outside the northern hemisphere, with previous locations including Spain, US, Holland and Germany.

In2Adventure offers three TreX qualifying races prior to the worlds, with events in Victoria (28-29 November), New South Wales (28-29 February) and Queensland (16-17 April).

To find out more about the TreX Series go to
About the Pathway Partner program:
As part of our Pathway Partners Program, In2Adventure is in the process of connecting with clubs, coaches and squads throughout Australia who will be hosting training and development programs aimed at helping competitors to qualify for the World X-Tri Champs in 2016. For more info on connecting with a current Pathway Partner, please click here.

If you are a coach, club, squad or trainer who offers training for cross triathlon including mountain biking, trail running or swimming and are interested in becoming a pathway partner you can download full information and application forms using the links below. For a Pathway Partner information pack, click here, or for a Pathway Partner application form, please click here.

About TreX:
For seven years TreX has positioned itself as the pinnacle of the cross – or off-road – triathlon racing series in Asia-Pacific. Presented by the premier outdoor adventure event specialists In2Adventure, TreX consists of a reservoir swim, mountain bike and trail run. While each TreX event features an elite category with industry-leading prize purses, including $50,000 for the 2016 ITU World Cross Triathlon Championships, the TreX Cross Triathlon national series invites participation from all ages and skill levels. For more information, please visit TreX here.
About In2Adventure:
In2Adventure are Asia-Pacific’s premier adventure event specialists. With a full calendar of national events scheduled throughout Australia, including adventure races, cross triathlon, XC Mountain Bike, trail runs and corporate events, In2Adventure fully embraces all things ‘off road’ and ‘off the beaten track’ and offers a unique, individual experience for all ages and skill levels. For more information visit In2Adventure here.
Upcoming Events (2015/16):

  Queensland Enduro – Murrenbong, QLD, 19 September 2015
  Victorian Cross Triathlon Championships (2016 Worlds Qualifier) – Bendigo, VIC, 28-29 November 2015
  Snowies MTB Festival – Snowy Mountains, NSW, 12-14 February 2016
  Australian Cross Triathlon Championships (2016 Worlds Qualifier) – Snowy Mountains, NSW, 27-28 February 2016
  Queensland Cross Triathlon Championships (2016 Worlds Qualifier) – Sunshine Coast, QLD, 16-17 April 2016
  ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships – Lake Crackenback Resort & Spa, Snowy Mountains, NSW, 19-20 November 2016