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Lucy Berk - Darwin Triathlon Club President

Lucy Berk - Darwin Triathlon Club President

Lucy Berk and Family

For those of you who are a part of Darwin Tri Club, or have been lucky enough to be in the midst of club president Lucy Berk, you would know how much of a special lady she is, and we just can't help but share it with the rest of you!

Lucy became involved in triathlon at a 'come and try DTC' event back in 2010 and has not looked back. Fast forward to now it is a whole family affair with both her husband and two daughters doing triathlon. "We love that we are outdoors, riding our bikes & keeping fit all together. I love that my children grow up around such positive and inspiring, fit, healthy people. They think everyone's parents get up at 5am everyday to train. It's all they know."

Lucy Berk - Race Director

Lucy's outstanding efforts, alongside the entire DTC committee, have worked hard to ensure the club is a place for everyone. The female percentage of the club is up to 40% which they put down to having a super supportive environment. Often the females finish their race and go back onto the course to cheer home their club mates and the blokes are DTC are true gentlemen - welcoming and encouraging of everyone.

Lucy is quick to pass her praise to the legendary volunteers involved with DTC, with life members that are at every single race, to the quiet achievers that pitch in without being asked. Lucy recalls "I've been involved with the committee nearly 2 years now and I'm constantly amazed at the amount of volunteer work that goes into running a club, and putting on events like we do."

With the club turning 30 this year, there is no better time to thank Lucy for her efforts and for everyone else that make the club such a brilliant one to be apart of.

Lucy Berk Bike