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National Strategic Plan To Drive Recovery For Triathlon And Multisport In Australia

National Strategic Plan To Drive Recovery For Triathlon And Multisport In Australia

Triathlon Australia (TA) together with its State and Territory Triathlon Associations (STTAs), is pleased to present the new Triathlon Strategic Plan for 2021-2025.
The plan will unite the sport under one strategic plan, with a particular focus placed on unity, collaboration and inclusivity to ensure triathlon and multisport thrive nationally over the next four years and beyond.
TA President, Michelle Cooper, said the objective of the plan is to “enable more people to enjoy more triathlon and multisport experiences, in more places”. 
"In developing this strategic plan, together with the State Executives, our collective vision was to use our sport as a catalyst to connect people, creating opportunities to improve the health and well being of the community."
"We have designed the plan around three integrated strategic priorities which clearly articulate core roles and responsibilities at all levels of the sport across participation, high performance and delivery. This is crucial to enhance our members' experience, add value to their memberships, assist our clubs and grow participation and investment in the sport," she said.
“The plan has also been developed with the view of how the whole of sport can respond to the challenges posed by the recent impact of COVID 19 and collectively recover together."
"It will also help reshape the culture of our sport and facilitate collaboration with our key stakeholders and partners."
 "We want our sport to remain open to new ways of thinking and embrace all elements of the diverse Australian community into our sport," she said.
Cooper added that Triathlon Australia has delivered a strategic plan that provides a clear direction at national level but provides enough flexibility to address local needs at state and territory level.
“On behalf of Triathlon Australia, I would like to thank all the stakeholders who contributed valuable insights and demonstrated true commitment to collaboration that will help to move the sport forward," she said.
Paul Stevens, Triathlon Victoria President, said he is delighted to have a shared vision for triathlon and multisport in Australia with their state and national associations.
"Collaboration and working in harmony underpin this plan and are central to meeting our performance expectations. We’re committed to optimising our working model so that systems, programs and relationships deliver superior experiences to our members,” he said.
Triathlon South Australia President Andrew Robertson, said the strategic plan will give organisations at all levels of the sport the best framework to provide the triathlon and multisport community with a sporting experience that has the potential to be life-changing."
"Our sport can empower and inspire people to elevate themselves beyond what they previously thought possible and we want to ensure more people from all backgrounds have access to this amazing experience," he said.

Despite extensive participation by Triathlon Western Australia (TWA) at all levels in the development of the plan, the TWA Board declined to endorse the final plan, deciding instead to follow a locally designed plan.  All other States and Territories are aligned under the new Triathlon Australia’s strategic plan that is focused on moving the sport of triathlon forward in a unified manner.
The full national strategic plan for 2021-2025 is available here.