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Paratriathletes all class in Devonport

Paratriathletes all class in Devonport

In pristine Tasmanian conditions, ten new Australian Paratriathlon Champions were crowned at yesterday’s Devonport Triathlon.

More than 20 paratriathletes stepped up to the starting line and turned it on for the National Championships in Australia’s biggest paratriathlon event in 12 months. 

Clint Pickin found another gear in Devonport, taking out the PTS4 Mens class in flying form. 

Putting together a strong race in clean Devonport conditions, Pickin said that he was thrilled with his performance. 

“It’s pristine conditions, ocean is dead flat and glassy, so I'm super stoked today,” Pickin said.

“The body felt pretty good coming off racing last week in Newcastle so I can’t complain. I had an okay swim, a really good ride and an awesome run.”

“Liam and I battle at every race, we’re good mates and we race hard. Everything’s left out there on the racecourse. So, when it comes to working out how your race is gonna go, we set up what we’re going to do, try and stick to our race plan and what we’ve got set on paper and just do our thing.”

After a mechanical hindered his performance in Newcastle last weekend, Clint was searching for a strong result in Devonport today. With competitor Liam Twomey hot on his heels throughout the race, Pickin delivered across all three disciplines to take the Australian title. 

Reigning PTWC World Champion Lauren Parker took her racing to another level yesterday afternoon, wiping more than five minutes off her 2019 Devonport performance to take home the Women's PTWC title. Her Commonwealth Games teammates did their best to keep the pressure on, with Emily Tapp securing second and Sara Tait in third. 

Gerrad Gosens and Katie Kelly shone in the PTVI classes, with their years of experience and skill on show throughout the afternoon’s events. 

Despite only being guided by local Tasmanian Hayden Armstrong for just over a year, Gosens was in sync with Armstrong as they took out the Men’s PTVI class, ahead of Trevor Murphy in second. 

Kelly and Guide Briarna Silk gave a dominating performance in the Women’s PTVI class, executing strongly across the swim, bike and run to secure the Australian Paratriathlon Championship. While Maggie Sandles and Guide Kate Bramley looked determined all morning as they gave their best in their second National Paratriathlon appearance.

The afternoon’s events also featuring the crowning of the first Australian Paratriathlon Champions within the Athletes with an Intellectual Disability (ID) wave.

Cameron Marshall took home the ID Men’s wave with a solid performance, marked by a hard earnt finish line celebration. Harry Mezger kept on the pace to take home second place, with Jack Stobie rounding out the Men’s podium.

Georgia Powning added Australian Paratriathlon Champion to her growing list of Australian Championship titles with a clear win in the Women’s ID wave. Executing a well-rounded race, Powning claimed the ID Women’s title in 01:24:33. Chloe Turner and Montana Whiteley completed the podium with second and third, respectively.

The addition of the ID category at the Australian Paratriathlon Championships sees Triathlon Australia provide more opportunities for competition and inclusion at a National level.

Nic Beveridge (PTWC Men), Anu Francis (PTS2 Women), Jeremy Peacock (PTS3 Men), and Andrew Wilkinson (PTS5 Men) also put together good performances to take home the Australian titles in their respective classes.

Devonport Triathlon
Full Results

1st – Gerrad Gosens
2nd – Trevor Murphy

PTVI Women
1st – Katie Kelly
2nd – Maggie Sandles

1st – Nic Beveridge

PTWC Women
1st – Lauren Parker
2nd – Emily Tapp
3rd – Sara Tait

PTS2 Women
1st – Anu Francis

PTS3 Men
1st – Jeremy Peacock

PTS4 Men 
1st – Clint Pickin
2nd – Liam Twomey

PTS5 Men
1st – Andrew Wilkinson

ID Men
1st – Cameron Marshall
2nd – Harry Mezger
3rd – Jack Stobie

ID Women
1st – Georgia Powning
2nd – Chloe Turner
3rd – Montana Whiteley

Photo Credit: Delly Carr