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Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink has crashed through $1 million dollars raised for the National Breast Cancer Foundation

Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink has crashed through $1 million dollars raised for the National Breast Cancer Foundation

Now in its sixth season, the Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink has seen a lot of firsts. It was the first all-female triathlon series. It has expanded to 6 races in 4 states. It has become the largest all-female triathlon event and series in Australia and it has seen its 20,000 finisher. And now what is without doubt our greatest achievement so far, The Pinkies (the term affectionately used for Triathlon Pink competitors) has now risen to over $1,000,000 for NBCF, inside of 6 years.

Triathlon Pink

The 2012/13 season has this far seen a 50% increase in Pinkie numbers and this has, of course, flowed throw to fundraising. This year has seen a change in management of the event and a number of improvements, making event more enhancements to the Pinkie experience. The Event Crew (TEC) as the new managers of the event have been very proactive in making changes to create a better experience for Pinkies, as Event Director and Founder, Kerry Stubbs, explains.

“This year saw a change in management of the event from T3Events to The Event Crew. Our Goal at the end of this year’s series was to break the millionth dollar in fundraising however we are just over the moon to have achieved this only after event 3. We have looked at a number of small changes to the event including creating some fantastic fundraising prize packs from our supports, Ramsay Health Care, Brooks, Vorgee, Skirt Sports and Liv Giant. From regional prizes right through to a series prize of a new Giant Bike, valued at $2,500. We’ve also looked at working closer with our partners and stakeholders to ensure we were heading in the right direction with the event.”

Ramsay Health Care has been an integral part of the success of the series and has been involved as a major sponsor and supporter of the Triathlon Pink since its inception in 2007. Ramsay’s CEO, Chris Rex, said it was great to see that the event had raised over $1 million for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

“With women making up the largest proportion of Ramsay Health Care’s workforce and because many Ramsay hospitals have a focus on women’s health, sponsoring the Triathlon Pink series is seen as a perfect fit for our organisation. Ramsay is proud to be associated with something that promotes health and fitness in the community as well as contributing funds towards breast cancer research. The series has also kick-started many of our staff into fitness and triathlons.”

Carole Renouf, CEO of the National Breast Cancer Foundation said she was grateful to the community for donating their time to raise $1 million for breast cancer research and encourages them to continue fundraising.

“With support from Triathlon Pink, NBCF are able to fund even more research projects to help us reach our aspirational goal of zero deaths from breast cancer,” she said.

The 2012/13 series of The Ramsay Health Care Triathlon Pink still has 2 races to run in Melbourne and Brisbane. Our new targets to break this season are to raise $250,000 in charity fundraising from all events and we are already tracking to have a record-breaking 6,000 Pinkies competing nationally.

For more information on the event please check our website or contact Mr Heath Fitzpatrick:

M: 0412 805 785

Background on event

Ramsay Healthcare Triathlon Pink was first established in 2007 with just 2 events (Sydney and Melbourne) as a new initiative for the Australian sporting community, where the event's total focus was on introducing women while bringing attention and support to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

The events provides participants or (Pinkies' as they would affectionately become to be known) with a challenging, yet fun and safe, experience. In the last 6 years the event has grown significantly and its success has now enabled it to grow to 6 venues across the country, with plans to roll out 1 - 2 more events in the 2013/14 season.

The 2012/13 events saw a change in management of the event, with The Event Crew (TEC) taking over the running of the series from T3 Events. The move has allowed the event to grow not only in Pinkie numbers but also in Fundraising value via TEC media and event relationships within Triathlon and general health and fitness market (background on TEC can be found at the end of this document).

Since its inception, the series has seen over 23,000 women crossing the finishing line, making Tri
Pink the most preferred female choice of sporting event with Sydney being the largest all-female Triathlon event in Australia. Pink is all about getting women to participate, have fun with their friends and family for an experience they will remember forever.

Pinkies' can either compete as an individual, completing the whole course on their own, or get together with a group of friends and compete as team, much like a relay.

The Tri Pink goals include providing Pinkies with a challenging, participatory and fun environment and an opportunity for participants to:
- introduce themselves and their friends and family to a healthier lifestyle;
- fundraise for a wonderful cause;
- to feel empowered; and
- to finish a goal they have worked hard for.

Without the fears of other triathlon events such as ocean currents and waves, this event provides
a safe environment in which to challenge themselves in, thereby attracting more women of all ages and levels of fitness.

An integral part of Tri Pink is the close relationship with its chosen charity, the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), for whom we have successfully raised over $1,000,000. In 2010, Tri-Pink was also the proud recipient of an NBCF Patrons Award for Community Fundraising.

This cause is very close to the hearts of many of the participants of these events, who have either suffered from breast cancer themselves, have supported friends or family through the loss of someone from it or through their treatment into remission. The large donations raised are evidence of the strong link and generosity of the Pinkies'.