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Sutherland to host Triathlons 2012 "Search for a Star" program

Sutherland to host Triathlons 2012 "Search for a Star" program

Triathlon Australia’s newly formed National Talent Academy (NTA) program will continue its “Search for a Star” with its next round of time trials at venues across NSW in the next few weeks.
The NTA aims to search for Australia’s next Olympic and Commonwealth Games champions for 2016, 2018 and 2020.
Australia’s NTA coaches are spreading their net throughout Australia’s vast sporting playground to build one of the most exciting groups of young athletes in international triathlon.

The NTA was created to get the best young triathletes in the country to the highest possible level, but the Search for a Star time trials have unearthed some athletes from outside the sport.

NSW NTA Coach Keiran Barry said “We have one athlete in the program who is showing enormous promise and before doing the trials had never competed in a triathlon.”
“That’s why we are encouraging any athlete, whether you are a triathlete, runner, swimmer or even a footballer to come along and test yourselves at our special time trials.”

The program was launched in September and 18 year old triathlete, Bree Jones, from Burraneer is the first local athlete selected to the NTA.  Bree joins an exclusive squad, as only eight have been selected into the national program so far. 

To be a part of the inaugural squad of the National Triathlon Academy is such an honour” said Bree. “It’s nice to know that after all the hard work we put in as athletes we now have a pathway to follow that recognises our commitment to the sport while nurturing our enthusiasm and potential.” 

In NSW, athletes competing at the trials across the state not only have the chance to gain selection in the NTA, they can also earn a spot in TriNSW’s development squad and Regional Academies of Sport. 

Additionally local athletes competing at the Sutherland trials have the chance to gain a scholarship with highly respected local club, High Performance Tri.  Head coach Michael Delamotte is offering a 4 year $20,000 scholarship for an athlete aged 15 years +.

“We are looking for someone who can swim & run very well, obviously, but Triathlon is a very challenging sport, so what is crucial is finding an athlete that possesses determination, persistence and a real competitive instinct.”
The next trials will be held at Sutherland on March 28 and 29.  Athletes aged 15 and younger will run 3000m and swim 400m.  Athletes 16 and over will run 5000m and swim 1000m.  

SWIM TRIAL – Wednesday, March 28th (6pm): Sutherland Leisure Centre.

RUN TRIAL - Thursday, March 29th (6pm):  Barden Park Ridge.


 “There are many reasons for young athletes of all abilities to give the trials a go and with so many great opportunities on offer these trials could produce Australia’s next Olympic triathlon champion”. Said Keiran.

NTA Logo

Four internationally successful, high profile coaches have been appointed as Australia’s new National Talent Coaches to start the star search and develop a pathway for the development of athletes (aged 13 and over).
Triathlon Australia with the State Associations will target these athletes for 2016 and primarily the 2020 Olympic Games in what will be an extensive National Talent Academies (NTA) program, divided into four specific regions.
The four National Talent Coaches and their specific regions are:

  • Craig Walton (Queensland and Northern Territory): The Sydney 2000 Olympian, Olympic gold medal coach and AIS Coach of the Year.
  • Keiran Barry (NSW/ACT), has 18 years triathlon coaching experience and has coached Olympians and World Champions.
  • Chris Lang (WA), the respected former Gold Coast-based coach of Brad Kahlefeldt who will re-locate to head up the WA program.
  • Jan Rehula (VIC/TAS/SA) The Sydney 2000 Olympic bronze medallist and former Korean National Team coach.



The Australian Sports Commission funded program has been 18 months in the making and will see the creation of a “camps-based program” alongside a home training environment with the athletes’ home coaches.