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TRIX3: The Easiest Way To Do Your First Triathlon

TRIX3: The Easiest Way To Do Your First Triathlon

The easiest way to do your first Triathlon! The TRIX3 event is back for 2021 and it is the perfect way to kick start your triathlon journey. Perform each event from the safety of a leisure centre. The swim leg will be held in the pool, the ride will be on the stationary bike, and the run will be on the treadmill. This event has been created in collaboration with Belgravia Leisure Centre to provide the community with a great pathway into triathlon.

The TRIX3 Indoor Triathlon event is based on time allocations rather than distance, so there is no need to have the fear that you ‘might come last’.  

There are two event options you can choose from, there is either a 30-minute event or a 60-minute event depending on what suits your needs.  

  • TRI30 includes a 5 minute swim leg, 15 minutes bike leg and a 10 minute run leg. 
  • TRI60 includes a 10 minute swim leg, 30 minutes bike leg and a 20 minute run leg, so double the distance of the shorter event.  

It is up to you how hard and fast you want to go, and results will be based on distance travelled within those time frames. 

This event is great for beginners, or those who have always wanted to give a triathlon a go but don’t have a bike or are not confident swimmers in the open water! There is no stress of swimming in the unpredictable water or riding on the road with hundreds of other competitors, just arrive at our venue within your allocated time, and get started! There is even the opportunity to change/ re-coop before you move onto the next leg - that means you don’t have to ride and run in those wet clothes – phew! 


If you are wanting to train in the lead up to the event, then joining the TRIactive program is a great option! This 6-week program will help you gain strength and fitness across all three legs of the triathlon. Work with one of our qualified trainers in exclusive TRIactive small group training sessions.  

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals with the same goals will help to keep you motivated and on the right track towards achieving your goals. The group environment also provides social connections that makes physical activity fun, whilst the physical and skill activities build individual confidence.  

TRIactive engages with people who wish to become more active and are looking for a challenge and some structure to reach the end goal of a triathlon finish line. If group training isn't for you, and you’d much rather have solo sessions, then we would suggest training each of the legs consistently in the lead up to the event! If you are stronger in one leg compared to the others, then focus on the areas where you are weakest. Be sure to incorporate rest days regularly as well as muscle recovery is essential when it comes to improving performance. 


So, you might be wondering, ‘what will I need to pack? Essentially - not much at all! There is no need for a fancy tri-suit or a road bike with clip in shoes, just pack the essentials. For the swim, you will need to pack togs, goggles and a cap (optional). You will need a towel to dry yourself off with after. For the bike, all you will need is a set of dry clothes to change into after the swim, your running shoes, a sweat towel and a water bottle. This will be held on a stationary bike so no need for a helmet or to bring your own bike. For the run, you will just need to wear what you wore on the bike, perhaps pack a spare shirt in case you would like to feel a little more fresh on the run! Bringing electrolytes to sip on throughout or after the event is also a great idea to make sure you replenish your energy stores and assist with recovery.  

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If you’re ready to give your first triathlon a go, then TRIX3 Indoor Triathlon is a great starting point! Sign up today and secure your spot.