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Grace Musgrove

 NTA Grace Musgrove NSW_compressed


Name: Grace Musgrove
DOB: 18th June 1992
Age: 20
Born: Bowral
Hometown: Moss Vale
Lives: Wollongong
Coach: Jamie Turner
Sponsors: NTA, Giant, McDonalds Sutton Forest

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 
~Albert Einstein

Grace was featured in the Men's Fitness May 2013 issue - see her article here

Major Achievements (Year/Event/Place):

2013 - Geelong Oceania Cup, 2nd place - Australian Sprint Distance title
2013 - Wellington Oceania Championships, 3rd place
2013 - Mooloolaba Oceania Cup, 1st place
2012 - Tongyeong World Cup, 13th place
2012 - A number of top 10 placings in European Cups
2012 – Mooloolaba Oceania Cup, 8th place
2012 – Subic Bay Asian Cup, 2nd place

2013-14 goals:

- Qualify for U23 World Championships team to be held in London
- Race World Cups, finishing within the top 10
- Spend 5 months in Europe with Jamie and the New South Wales Institute of Sport (NSWIS) squad training and racing and hopefully adding some more Spanish to my vocabulary.
- To continue my development in all aspects of triathlon particularly bike strength.

Ultimate goal:
To win Olympic gold


Family (Married/single/family members Mum, dad, brothers, sisters:
Mum and Dad are teachers living at a primary boarding school, they love their sport and either swim, cycle or run each day. I have two older brothers, the eldest Thomas is a Lieutenant in the Army who commands tanks. Andrew is my roommate when I am living in Wollongong and spends his days studying a Bachelor of Law and Media Communications while stirring me up with his witty humor!

Studies/occupation (School/University):
I have completed one full time year at Wollongong University in a Bachelor of Medical and Health Science

Something we don’t know about you:
I grew up on a primary boys boarding school with most of my friends being boys, making me wish I was one myself.

What I love about Triathlon:
The intense amount of training I can do without getting bored in sessions, and of course the racing and atmosphere.

Other interesting facts:
My background is in National Open Water swimming and National Cross Country/Athletics.

Ultimate Relaxation:
Going to the beach without time limits or commitments

One thing you can’t live without:

Activities away from Triathlon:
Going out with friends and relaxing, doing things I don’t normally do when I am training.



Sporting Team/s:
Sydney Roosters 
Gran Torino, Argo
TV Shows:
Grey’s Anatomy, Masterchef
Burgers, Homemade pizza and fresh summer fruits
Anything from mainstream to The Whitlams
Coffee or Smoothie, depending on the weather
Playing the piano
Golden Labrador, Simba

Last Book Read:
'Gold' - Chris Cleave

What’s your greatest asset:
I would say my tan but that sounds superficial so maybe my personality. People seem to enjoy my company or at least pretend to.

Who has been the biggest influence on your life:
I am quite easily influenced so there have been numerous, but it is hard to go past my own family.

Have you encountered any obstacles in your career:
No, touch wood!

Athlete in Triathlon:
Erin Densham

Sally Fitzgibbons