Child Safeguarding

Children have the right to take part in sport in a safe, positive, and enjoyable environment. The Child Safeguarding policy will assist Triathlon Australia to ensure that everyone involved is aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to children, and that children are safe and protected from all forms of abuse, harm, and neglect while participating in triathlon. 

Minimum child protection obligations were previously contained within the Triathlon Australia Member Protection Policy, however Triathlon Australia is now required to have a more comprehensive and separate Child Safeguarding Policy. The policy aligns with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, which were developed as a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

This policy is breached when a person or organisation bound to the policy engages in prohibited conduct such as child abuse, grooming, misconduct with a child or they do not comply with the requirements under this policy, including the reporting of such an alleged breach. 

The Child Safeguarding Policy sets out the process for responding to and reporting child abuse allegations. The policy also details child safe practices, including examples of breaches of these practices, and the process for the recruitment and screening of volunteers and employees, including working with children checks.

National Integrity Framework - Child Safeguarding Policy

Child Safeguarding South Australia Addendum - As at 30 November 2022

Child Safeguarding Policy Quick Facts

The Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) is designed to protect children in sport by putting in place rules and processes to ensure sporting environments are inclusive, positive and safe for all children, all the time.

The Child Safeguarding Policy includes:

• clear definitions of Prohibited Conduct
• a list of mandatory child-safe practices
• recruitment and screening requirements
• a procedure outlining how to respond to child abuse allegations and report possible Prohibited Conduct
• a child safe commitment

Who does the Child Safeguarding Policy apply to?

The Child Safeguarding Policy applies to everyone involved in sport including participants, employees, contractors, coaches, officials, and support personnel, at all levels, from the national level through to club sport. 

Child Safeguarding Policy Prohibited Conduct

The following actions and behaviours are breaches of the Child Safeguarding Policy:

 Child abuse including physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse, as well as neglect and exposure to family violence.


 Misconduct with a child including age in appropriate behaviour, or behaviour which places the child at risk of harm.

 Asking a child to keep any communication secret.

 Suppling alcohol, drugs (including tobacco), or medicines, except with appropriate consent and under a valid prescription.

 Failing to comply with recruitment and screening requirements.

 Failing to report a breach of Prohibited Conduct.

 Breaching any of the child safe practices that cover actions such as photographing/ filming children, travel arrangements, overnight stays, change room arrangements, electronic and online communications, discipline and physical contact, amongst others.

# The full definitions of Prohibited Conduct and child safe practices are available in the Policy.  

What is the reporting process?

Sport Integrity Australia Important Document Reporting and Responding to a Breach - What do you do

You must follow the actions contained in this Sport Integrity Australia PDF Document - Responding and Reporting to a Breach of the Child Safeguarding Policy if you suspect there has been an alleged breach of the Child Safegarding Policy.

Step 1: If a person is in immediate risk or danger, call Police on 000.

Step 2: If you have reasonable grounds to suspect a child has been or is at risk of being harmed, call the police and/ or relevant child protection agency in your state/territory.

State and Territory Child Protection Agency Specific Contact Details

Step 3: Report all relevant information to the appropriate person within your club/sport.

Triathlon Australia Child Safe Contact: Adam Kyle - National Integrity Manager, Email:, Phone Number: 0424 982 383

Step 4: Report any potential breach of the Child Safeguarding Policy to Sport Integrity Australia via the online format:
Sport Integrity Australia Report a Concern Online Form

What happens if someone commits a breach of the Child Safeguarding Policy?

Any alleged Prohibited Conduct that is reported will be dealt with under the Complaints Disputes and Discipline Policy. This could result in a sanction ranging from a warning, mandatory education to a ban from sport. Criminal conduct will be managed outside of this process by law enforcement.

Disclaimer - Please note this website page information does not replace the National Integrity Framework Child Safeguarding Policy. The Policy applies and overrules this website page in any instances.

What are the mandatory Child Safe Practices?

The Child Safe Practices set out expected behaviour regarding children in sport in 14 categories. These categories are a critical part of the Child Safeguarding Policy and a failure to abide by the Child Safe Practices is a breach of the Child Safeguarding Policy.

The 14 Child Safe Practices include:

Sport Integrity Australia Child Safe Practices Dos and Donts

Sport Integrity Australia e-Learning Education - Child Safeguarding Policy

The Child Safeugarding in Sport Induction e-Learning course complements the National Integrity Framework Child Safeguarding Policy and has been developed for any person in any organisation who is bound by the policy, such as coaches, participants, administrators, employees, contractors, officials, board members, committee members and support personnel.

By the end of the course users will be able to:

• understand what child safeguarding in sport is

• understand what the Child Safeguarding policy is, who it applies to and when

• understand the role of Child Safe Practices in the Policy

• understand the recruitment and screening requirements

• recognise alleged breaches of the Policy

• identify how to respond to alleged breaches.

Any individual or organisation who is bound by a Child Safeguarding Policy should complete the course, which takes around 45 minutes to complete.

Sport Integrity Australia e-Learning Education Course Name: Child Safeguarding in Sport Induction

Sport Integrity Australia Play By The Rules Child Protection (PBTR) and Safeguarding e-Learning Education Course: The PBTR Child Protection and Safeguarding e-Learning Course is designed to helps users recognise the Child Safe Standards and find relevant Child Protection Legislation; identify your role in child protection and safeguarding and work through what to do if child abuse occurs in your sport or club; Define the types, signs, risk factors and impacts of child abuse in a sport or club setting; and identify steps to create a child safe environment.

Sport Integrity Australia e-Learning Education Course Name: 
PBTR Child Protection and Safeguarding