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A message from Triathlon Australia CEO Miles Stewart OLY on the bushfire crisis

A message from Triathlon Australia CEO Miles Stewart OLY on the bushfire crisis

A message from Triathlon Australia CEO Miles Stewart OLY on the bushfire crisis

As the bushfire crisis continues to  ravage our country I would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to those families suffering and communities lost.
We are beyond words in our praise of the incredible efforts of our firefighters and emergency services on the front line. The bravery and incredible courage displayed is an inspiration not just to Australians but around the world – true heroes.
It is a devastating time for Australians as we try to grasp the loss of life, land, livelihoods and wildlife.

We are buoyed by the great spirit and generosity of this nation as we band together in support of this crisis now, and the long term recovery.
The triathlon family will rally together and play its part in helping wherever possible to rebuild these communities going forward.
Right now our thoughts remain with everyone affected. Please stay safe and look after one another.

If you can, here’s how you can help right now.

Best Wishes,
From CEO Miles Stewart OLY