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Triathlon Australia opens expressions of interest for Elite Selection Committee

Triathlon Australia opens expressions of interest for Elite Selection Committee

Update: Expressions of interest for the TAESC are now closed, as of 5pm AEST Sunday 24 July 2022.

The Triathlon Australia Board has completed a review of the Triathlon Australia Elite Selection Committee (TAESC), providing a robust process for the selection of Triathlon Australia teams in line with relevant selection policies.

Following the review, the Triathlon Australia Board is pleased to release the revised TAESC Terms of Reference and call for expressions of interest for independent members for the TAESC, from individuals with high level or specific expertise in the sport of triathlon.

Expressions of interest are now open, closing 5pm AEST Sunday 24 July 2022. Applications from athletes, coaches or team officials who have competed, coached or been involved in triathlon at a national or international level are encouraged.

Please submit expressions of interest, setting out your sporting and professional expertise, your current membership status and standing, and/or qualifications as well as any other relevant information, to Andy Meikle at by 5pm AEST Sunday 24 July 2022 for consideration by the TA Board.

The Triathlon Australia Board and High Performance department would like to thank the selectors who formed the current serving TAESC, who continue until the end of August 2022. 

Call for Triathlon Australia Elite Selection Committee Expressions of Interest
TAESC Terms of Reference

Key Dates
Expressions of Interest Open | Friday 8 July 2022
Expressions of Interest Close | Sunday 24 July 2022
Announcement of TAESC Appointments | End of August 2022