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AIS and Triathlon Australia seek community input for Triathlon Refresh Review

AIS and Triathlon Australia seek community input for Triathlon Refresh Review

The triathlon community is encouraged to contribute to the Triathlon Refresh Review through a confidential, independently facilitated survey.

As part of Triathlon Australia’s ongoing commitment to a comprehensive review of the sports’ Olympic and Paralympic high performance (HP) programs, Triathlon Australia and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) have launched the triathlon review survey.  

The confidential survey is one phase of the broader refresh review process and is a critical point to draw on the experiences and insights of current and former athletes, coaches and key delivery partners, providing the opportunity for the triathlon community to offer input into the future strategy and direction of the sport. 

Designed in conjunction with the AIS, the survey seeks forward-looking responses to three questions: 

  • What do you think is working well in the Triathlon HP Program and why? 
  • What three areas do you think need most improvement in the Triathlon HP Program and why? 
  • What changes would you suggest as ways forward to improve the strategic direction of the Triathlon HP Program? 

This is an exciting opportunity for the community to be a fundamental part of strategy development and share feedback on the ways triathlon can better leverage the incredible talent in Australia to achieve success in the years to come. 

An independent facilitator experienced in high performance sport reviews has been engaged to ensure confidentiality and impartiality in the process.  

Maintaining the integrity of the sport is of utmost importance to Triathlon Australia and to State and Territory Triathlon Associations. If you have concerns in relation to your past or current experiences in the sport around matters of integrity, we encourage you to raise these through the independent service provided by Sport Integrity Australia to ensure your concerns are addressed confidentially by trained experts to safeguard athletes, coaches, and members. 

Triathlon Australia encourages the community to contribute to the refresh review by completing the online survey via the link here. Survey closes Friday, 26 November.

If completing the survey triggers any concerns, of if you have other matters on your mind, support is available to the triathlon community through AIS Be Heard and Sport Integrity Australia.

AIS Be Heard 
The AIS Be Heard service provides independent, free and confidential support. It is available to athletes and staff who are currently, or were previously, part of the Australian high performance sport system. 

Sport Integrity Australia – Report your Concern 
Sport Integrity Australia provides an online form to report any sport integrity related matter that you feel threatens the integrity of Australian sport, teams or individuals.