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ASICS Rising Stars Discovering the Talent of Tomorrow

ASICS Rising Stars Discovering the Talent of Tomorrow

The ASICS Rising Stars Youth Development Program is a partnership between IRONMAN Oceania, Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) and Triathlon Australia (TA) to encourage youth participation and nurture the up and coming stars of Australian triathlon. 

If you are an athlete aged 13 to 15 years (at December, 2017) and hold a Triathlon Australia Junior or ITU Youth membership, or maybe you know of a young athlete who loves their triathlon, the

ASICS Rising Stars Youth Development Program is a perfect opportunity to glimpse the future.

Nominations for the 2017 ASICS Rising Stars Youth Development Program are now open, so if you are a triathlon club, coach, local school, teacher, parent or carer, this is the perfect opportunity to play a part in helping discover the triathlon talent of tomorrow.

The successful young athletes will be completely immersed in three days (7-9 April) of triathlon on the Gold Coast where the world’s best athletes will be competing in the Jewel World Triathlon Gold Coast, the second race of the 2017 ITU World Triathlon Series (WTS).
The program is a wonderful opportunity for fifty emerging young guns of triathlon from across Australia, to learn about the world of professional triathlon and participate on the same weekend as their WTS idols – the superstars of world triathlon.

The 2017 ASICS Rising Stars Youth Development Program experience includes a high-performance coaching clinic and an exclusive behind the scenes look at the staging of an ITU World Triathlon series event as well as a free entry into the Jewel Gold Coast Triathlon - Luke Harrop Memorial Enticer distance.

IRONMAN Oceania, Managing Director, Dave Beeche is delighted that the ASICS Rising Stars Youth Development Program is once again part of the Jewel World Triathlon Gold Coast, one of the biggest weekends on the international triathlon sporting calendar.

“We believe it is important that all our young athletes are not only given every opportunity to participate in their chosen sport but also to excel and dream about the future.”

“It is vital we identify and nurture our athletic talent from an early stage and the ASICS Rising Stars Youth Development Program provides a wonderful opportunity and a vital pathway for a number of talented youngsters to become fully immersed in the world of professional triathlon,” he said.

Nominations for the 2017 Rising Stars Youth Development Program are now open and should be submitted online by midnight (AEST) 27 March 2017. Athletes with a disability, indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse are encouraged to nominate. 

All nominations will be reviewed by a panel with significant industry experience and recognized experts in their fields.

Nominees will receive email confirmation of their online submission and successful nominees will be announced on the 28 March 2017 and contacted directly with details published online at

PLEASE NOTE: Athletes selected for the Rising Stars Youth Triathlon Program will be required to travel with a supervising adult, at their own cost.  

Jewel World Triathlon Gold Coast and Gold Coast Triathlon is supported by the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland as part of the It’s Live! in Queensland events calendar. Queensland, just the place to experience Australia’s best live events.