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Aussies in Action

Aussies in Action

Xterra Off Road World Championships
Aussie off-road legend Benny Allen finished third at the Xterra World Championships in Maui matching his results from 2013 and 2014. Bronze seems to be his colour in the off-road world championships but gold is on his mind next month when he lines up for the 2016 Snowy Mountains ITU Cross World Championships.

Courtney Aktinson continues to display his talents post Olympic racing retirement with an 8th place and like Allen a podium in the Cross World Champs next month.

Nepean Triathlon
Ashleigh Gentle contined the trend at Nepean Triathlon winning the race handicap from Jacob Birtwhistle. 

Women have won the handicap race for the past four years now, despite the margin being lowered this year to 9 minutes and 1 second.

The 1km swim, 30km bike and 10km run is a reflection of this great races history.

Gentle’s time of 1:37:51 was more than enough to secure her the overall victory from Birtwhistle who clocked 1:30:03 – may need to look at further reducing the handicap!

Natalie Van Coevorden produced the fastest run split to make up time lost to Gentle on the bike and secure her second from Charlotte McShane in third.

A pleasing swim for Gentle saw her out with the leaders and fastest bike split set up the win.

Birtwhislte was pushed all the way by Olympian Ryan Bailie but his 32:31 run split was the difference with David Mainwearing grabbing third.

Gentle and Birtwhistle will now look to do the double at Noosa Triathlon next weekend.

Birtwhistle’s bike leg paves way for nepean triathlon victory – next stop noosa!

Time on his time trial bike back home in Tasmania over the past three weeks has been time well spent for prospective Commonwealth Games triathlete Jake Birtwhistle in Sydney today.

The 21-year-old from Launceston, considered unlucky not to make it to this year’s Rio Olympics, has broken through for a well-deserved win in the Nepean Triathlon over the flat 1km swim; 30km bike and 10km run course. Full story 

Special mention to four Nepean Tri legends that have competed in every one of the 35 events – take a bow, that is some sort of record Greg Chapman, Peter Smith, Eugene Irvin and Greg Davies

Full results

Ironman 70.3 Miami
Ellie Salthouse ran away with the win in the end from Jennifer Spieldenner (USA) and Leanda Cave (GBR) 

It was a wire to wire win for Salthouse who led out of the swim, kept her nose in front on the bike from Cave and Pieldenner then unleashed a 1:22:25 run that gave her time to celebrate at the finish line with Spieldenner crossing some five minutes later.

1. Ellie Salthouse (AUS) 4:12:44
2. Jennifer Spieldenner (USA) 4:17:27
3. Leanda Cave (GBR) 4:18:15

Tongyeong ITU World Cup
The final sprint stop of the 2016 ITU World Cup circuit came to a close on Saturday with 126 athletes lining up for one last chance of a podium finish in Tongyeong, a beautiful port city located on the southern edge of the Korean Peninsula. Felicity Sheedy-Ryan Triathlete just missed the podium in a sprint with Renee Tomlin (USA).

Jaz Hedgeland was rewarded with fifth after shouldering a good load of the work on the bike as a group of 24 formed to make up the lead group. National Talent Academy athlete Sophie Malowiecki continues her apprenticeship in these international races, finishing a very credible 11th.

Drew Box was our top placed finisher in 8th in race that was hot on pace. Young guns Luke Willian was 11th and Kenji Nener 12th.

Full results 

Challenge Thailand
Back to back racing weekend’s for Brad Kahlefeldt, this time at the inaugural Challenge Thailand. Not quiet back to back wins but a third place behind Antony Costes and Mike Phillips.