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Directors Cooper, Corbishley and Gosman Re-Elected to Triathlon Australia Board

Directors Cooper, Corbishley and Gosman Re-Elected to Triathlon Australia Board


Michelle Cooper has been re-elected to the Triathlon Australia Board as President, with Directors Stuart Corbishley and Alex Gosman also re-elected at Triathlon Australia's 2022 AGM held on Monday 12 December.

With the full support of the Board, Michelle Cooper will continue in the role of Chair, with David Tucker stepping into the position of Deputy Chair.

Following the 2022 AGM, the Triathlon Australia Board also reappointed Marlene Elliott, who continues to bring extensive executive, governance and leadership experience to the Board as an appointed Director.

“The role of Chair is always a critical decision for the board but never has there been a period of such challenge as the last two years,” said Cooper.

“I am honoured to have been re-elected by my peers around Australia for my final term on the board. Equally the privilege of continuing to serve our sport as Chair is a position I take very seriously.

“The message I’ve received is that our sport is seeking continued stability, forward thinking strategy and importantly, to aggressively pursue the implementation of our strategic plan.

“In what will be my final term on the board, I remain as enthusiastic and ambitious for our road ahead as ever before and look forward to continuing to work with our STTA boards, stakeholders, committees and members to achieve these goals.

“Succession planning will form a key activity for the board and in assessing our next phase, and with acknowledgement from Stuart Corbishley that the burgeoning success of his sports law practice would constrain his ability to undertake the Deputy role on the board, he stood aside and the board elected David to fill that role.

“I thank Stuart immensely for his wise counsel during some challenging moments and am delighted he will remain an important part of our board with his re-election.” 

David Tucker, appointed 2019 and re-elected in 2021 as Director, looks forward to taking on higher duties on the Board.

“It is a great privilege to be elected to the position of Deputy Chair of Triathlon Australia,” said Tucker.

“Outgoing Vice Chair, Stuart Corbishley has done an incredible job of helping to lead, guide and counsel Triathlon Australia through a period of significant change and challenges. His leadership and insight at critical times has helped the Chair and Board to collectively govern Triathlon in Australia through some significant headwinds and leaves big shoes to fill. Pleasingly Stuart has been re-elected and he remains an integral part of our organisation.

“Triathlon in Australia is at such an exciting juncture in our history and is poised for great evolution and growth.  I am thrilled to be supporting our Chair, Michelle Cooper, in the continuation of her leadership of TA and to be working more closely with her and our Management Team to bring our strategic goals to life.

Triathlon Australia Board of Directors