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Nominate a local sporting hero and win

Nominate a local sporting hero and win

Inside Sport is giving back to the unsung heroes of Australian sport by offering

$10,000 in prizes though The Clubbies awards.

Grassroots sport is the heartbeat of so many Australian communities, bringing people together in healthy competition and The Clubbies aim to make sure these
special people are recognised.

The Clubbies are not about the coach with the most wins or the club which claims
the most premierships.

The Clubbies are about rewarding the dedication, integrity and sportsmanship of
those who put their souls into community sport.

“We have a passion at Inside Sport for great sport stories, and we’ve found there are
so many great ones to be told in grassroots sport,” the magazine’s deputy editor, Jeff
Centenera, says. “The Clubbies recognise the people that really are the heart and
soul of Australian sport.”

For the second time, Inside Sport has partnered with the Confederation of Australian
Sport, the representative body for 90 national sporting organisations to shine the
spotlight on these selfless volunteers.

Award categories include, Best Club, Best Coach, Best Stalwart, Best Sports
Association and Best Masters Performance.

Nominations close on January 30, with a short-list of nominees appearing in
February. Voting continues until April 10, with the winners announced on May 18.

Further terms and conditions can be read here.

To nominate your club go to -
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