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Request for Proposal for TA Website

Request for Proposal for TA Website

Triathlon Australia is seeking to appoint a website services provider to develop a new national website that also includes a subsite for each of its eight affiliated State and Territory Triathlon Associations (STTAs). 

TA wishes to engage a provider that can best deliver the design, functionality and integration requirements that are outlined in the attached Tender for Website (TFW). This is an important project to the organisation as the website is a platform to achieve strategic priorities including engagement with members and an opportunity to connect to new recreational participants.  

We would welcome your consideration of this TFW. 

Should you wish to submit a response you will be required to notify our appointed agency by no later than close of business on Monday 1 July 2019. Please refer to the timelines listed on page seven. 

Beyond the Break Consulting is managing this TFW on behalf of TA. Please direct your enquiries to Senior Account Manager, Michelle Cook –