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Smoke haze cancels Canberra's Capital Trilogy

Smoke haze cancels Canberra's Capital Trilogy

With Australia currently experiencing one of its worst bushfire seasons on record and the current hazardous levels of air pollution in the ACT, Triathlon ACT and Triathlon Australia have decided to cancel the Capital Trilogy Triathlon scheduled to be held on the weekend of January 18-19, 2020.

For a number of weeks, Canberra and the ACT region have been experiencing hazardous air pollution health levels, with most days at an extreme level that poses a high health risk to people exercising outdoors, especially those exercising at high intensity. There are currently fires burning near the border of ACT and the current long-range weather forecast is not favourable.

Taking into consideration the current and forecast air quality, State of Alert declared for the ACT, unpredictable conditions, bushfire situation, low lake levels, the current AIS position statement on smoke pollution and exercise, and recommendations from authorities, Triathlon Australia and Triathlon ACT have decided to cancel the Capital Trilogy Triathlon and the adjoining scheduled Junior Development Camp on the weekend of  January 18-19 2020. 

This decision has not been made lightly, with all parties believing it is in the best interests to make a proactive decision at the earliest available opportunity due to the number of people who are travelling from overseas and interstate. Above all Triathlon Australia’s priority is to keep everyone safe.

Race Director and Triathlon ACT Executive Director Craig Johns said that although it is disappointing to cancel the event, the health and safety of all participants and volunteers is their number one priority.

“It is never an easy decision to cancel or change an event, except when people’s health and safety are being affected,” Johns said.

“There are much bigger priorities in Australia right now and our thoughts are with all the people and communities affected by the devastation caused by bushfires across the nation.”

The Capital Trilogy event was scheduled to feature Age Group and Mixed Relay racing, as well as hosting Race 2 of the Australian Junior and Youth Triathlon Series and the National Junior and Youth Mixed Relay Championships.

Triathlon Australia is currently exploring options to reschedule the National Junior and Youth Mixed Relay Championships within the ‘Australian’ season, as well as the adjoining scheduled Junior Development Camp that will best allow the original aims of the camp to be delivered to the Junior athlete group.

Triathlon Australia appreciates that some of you may be inconvenienced by the decision. Triathlon ACT will process refunds over the next two weeks for all registered athletes.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt condolences to those families suffering, communities lost, and acknowledge the incredible efforts of our firefighters and emergency services on the front line. 

The triathlon family will rally together and play its part in helping wherever possible to rebuild these communities going forward.

Photo Credit: Tom Kroyer