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Support for flood-affected Queensland and New South Wales community

Support for flood-affected Queensland and New South Wales community

As you are aware, in recent days south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales have been impacted by a significant weather event, causing a widespread flooding emergency which is continuing to unfold in many areas. 

The triathlon community’s thoughts are with all of those affected by the severe flooding, which is having a devastating impact on our community, both personally, and across our clubs, volunteers, members, race directors and support staff.

Please reach out should you need assistance coordinating with various disaster management authorities, and we stand ready to support as much as possible for any response or recovery efforts.  

We will stay across and share any relevant information and funding programs being activated for affected clubs, and any other support being provided via disaster recovery.  

Your safety is paramount, please be cautious while the situation is evolving, avoid putting yourself under unnecessary risk by checking the alerts in your local area and avoiding training in dangerous conditions.

Please contact us on if we can support you through the flood emergency and recovery. We hope you and your loved ones are safe.

For urgent assistance:
For emergency assistance, contact SES in NSW or QLD on 132 500.
If your life is at risk, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.

Information for Disaster Relief and Support

Active natural disaster events - Natural disaster - Services Australia

Disasters and alerts | Queensland Government (
South east Queensland rainfall and flooding February 2022 | Community support | Queensland Government (

New South Wales:
Disaster relief and support | NSW Government
Disaster relief and support for sport and recreation clubs | NSW Government

For the latest weather updates visit the Bureau of Meteorology in Queensland here or in NSW here.