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Tim hopes “Auld Lang Syne” will be final top 40s hit in Penticton

Tim hopes “Auld Lang Syne” will be final top 40s hit in Penticton

Newcastle’s Tim Lang heads off to Penticton in Canada next month in defence of his ITU World Cross Triathlon title and he has already tapped into the local intelligence to help him finish the fabulous 40s on top.
The 49-year-old has an Aussie expat known as the “Triathlon Warrior” in his corner as he prepares to repeat his winning ways from Lake Crackenback last November.
Lang will line up to defend his Age Group crown in the inaugural Penticton 2017 ITU Multisport World Championship Festival in Canada from August 18-27.
And the “Triathlon Warrior” is Kevin Cutjar, a consistent top 10 Ironman finisher and multiple Ultraman Champion, who has been coaching triathletes full-time since 2000 and is synonymous with multi-sport in Penticton.
“I’ve already seen maps and videos of the course so I’m off to a flying start,” said 49-year-old Lane, who won his maiden world crown at the ITU Cross Tri World Championship in the Snowy Mountains resort last year.
“I have tried so many times over 70.3, sprint and Olympic distance and it wasn't until the Cross Tri that I finally claimed my first world title.
“The aim has always been to get to Canada and defend the title and say goodbye to the 40s age group with a bang.
“I turn 50 on September 12 – the same day as next year’s ITU World’s on the Gold Coast when I’ll be going up an age group.”
Lang has enjoyed liaising with Cutjar, who has been the Penticton Triathlon Club squad coach since 2000.
“Kevin has been great and has provided me with the videos and the low-down on the course which is actually pretty close to the same course we raced in the Snowy Mountains last year,” said Lang.
“I am also going over a week early to ride the course and to stay with Kevin for the final week of my preparation, so I’ll be in good hands – I can’t wait.”
Lang has had a distinguished career in triathlon and will head from off-road back to road chasing the 2018 ITU World Championships on Gold Coast but for now he’s heart and soul are on the trails.
He has been getting up at 3:45am to ride the trails around Newcastle, swimming at Charlestown with the likes of Shane Gibbs and surf lifesaving board champion Stewart McLachlan and race with his mates with the Central Coast Tri Club.
He is finding the change very rewarding.
“It was time for change and going into the bush on my mountain bike has freshened me up – I needed it and I found it,” said Lane, who stormed home to win the inaugural World Cross Tri championship over Italian Gianpietro De Faveri and former surf ironman and triathlete Guy Andrews.
Lang claimed the 45-49 years male category in a time of 2 hours, 39 minutes and 29 seconds to run down De Faveri, a winner of 119 international competitions, after giving him five minutes head start off the bike.
In a thrilling finish to the cross-country 1500-metre swim, 30-kilometre bike ride and 10km run, Lang was greeted by his two sons at the finish line, crossing 29 seconds ahead of the celebrated Italian.
“It’s important to know the course like the back of your hand,” said Lang.
And a final week with the “Triathlon Warrior” just might see Tim Lang finish the 40s number one on the hit parade.