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Triathlon Australia Adopts National Integrity Framework

Triathlon Australia Adopts National Integrity Framework

Triathlon Australia has finalised the adoption of the National Integrity Framework (NIF) in partnership with Sport Integrity Australia, the NIF comes into effect from Wednesday 4 May 2022.

Maintaining the integrity of the sport of triathlon in Australia is of the utmost importance to Triathlon Australia and to our State and Territory Triathlon Associations. Triathlon Australia is committed to protecting triathlon from integrity threats and safeguarding our participants.   

When Sport Integrity Australia was established in July 2020 they declared their commitment to working in partnership with sports to protect the integrity of Australian sport – from elite competition right through to the grassroots level. Triathlon Australia has worked side by side with Sport Integrity Australia to adopt and implement the National Integrity Framework. On the 15th of March 2022 the Triathlon Australia Board resolved to adopt the National Integrity Framework which will commence on the 4th of May 2022.  

Triathlon Australia seeks to take a proactive approach to mitigate the integrity threats to triathlon in Australia and to provide a safe, fair, and trustworthy environment for all participants at all levels of triathlon.  

The National Integrity Framework is one of Triathlon Australia's responses to the threats to the integrity of triathlon and sets out the broad expectations for the conduct of all participants in triathlon, including procedures for managing, reporting, investigating and determining potential breaches of its Integrity Policies.    

The National Integrity Framework includes a suite of policies which can be found on the integrity page on our website:

  1. National Integrity Framework 
  2. Child Safeguarding Policy 
  3. Competition Manipulation and Sport Wagering Policy 
  4. Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy
  5. Member Protection Policy
  6. Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy  

The Australian National Anti-Doping Policy sits alongside the National Integrity Framework.  

At the heart of the National Integrity Framework is an independent and efficient complaints handling model whereby Sport Integrity Australia will be able to assess, investigate and manage complaints and disputes across areas such as member protection, child safeguarding and competition manipulation.  

The Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy sets out the system for resolving complaints and administering disciplinary action arising from an individual or organisation engaging in prohibited conduct under the National Integrity Framework.   

This independent process ensures that sport integrity related complaints are dealt with efficiently and effectively and that all involved are assured that prohibited conduct will be managed via the most appropriate resolution and discipline mechanism.  

From 4 May 2022, members who have a concern or a complaint about an integrity-related matter under the National Integrity Framework, can submit their concern directly to Sport Integrity Australia.

Triathlon Australia President, Michelle Cooper say, “It is imperative that all participants of triathlon, from grassroots beginners to our elite, world class athletes have confidence in the integrity of the sport. That comes not only from robust processes but from a comprehensive education program for everyone to understand not only their rights, but importantly their responsibilities.  

Triathlon in Australia has long had the policies and mechanisms in place to protect participants and manage complaints that arise, however the National Integrity Framework introduces another level of sophistication to this process in line with our expectations as custodians and participants of the sport alike.” 

Find out more about Integrity in Triathlon and the National Integrity Framework

Triathlon Australia encourages all members to familiarise themselves with the National Integrity Framework and in particular the Prohibited Conduct contained within each policy.  

Detailed information regarding the National Integrity Framework, Triathlon Australia Integrity Policies, Australian National Anti-Doping Policy, Sport Integrity Australia and information on how to report an integrity concern or issue to Sport Integrity Australia can be found on the Triathlon Australia website. 


Sport Integrity Australia also provides a number of online e-Learning education courses to ensure all Triathlon Australia Members and support personnel understand their individual obligations under the National Integrity Framework as well as in the Anti-Doping area. Sport Integrity Australia online e-Learning education courses can be located here on the Sport Integrity Australia website.